State Scientific Institution "JIPNR-Sosny" NAS of Belarus



XXXII International Seminar “Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems”

June 02 – 06, 2025, Minsk, Belarus

The Seminar is organized on the initiative of Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny with the support of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University, the Belarusian State University. Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research. The aim of the Seminar is to provide a single forum for all aspects of nonlinear dynamics in:

  • High energy physics and nuclear physics (QCD, nonperturbative effects, confinement, physics inside/outside standard model, quark-gluon plasma, collective phenomena, physics of nuclear transmutations, the interaction of particles and nuclei, astrophysics and gravitation, neutrino physics, radiative corrections, Monte Carlo simulations).
  • Nuclear power (modeling of neutron-physical, thermohydraulic and physicochemical processes in nuclear and radiation installations; development and using of software for deterministic/probabilistic safety analysis of Nuclear Power Plants).
  • Information processing (quantum computation and cryptography, neural networks, artificial intelligence, information technology, parallel calculations).
  • Mathematical foundations and methods (classical and quantum chaos, chaos and tunneling, correlations, dynamical systems, integrable systems, analytical and numerical methods).
  • Foundation of electronics and optics (nano-, micro-, opto- and quantum electronics, classical and quantum optics).
  • Economics, social, biological and chemical systems (nonlinear dynamics in economics, social, biological and chemical systems and medicine).

The program will consist of review papers and original presentations. The working languages of the seminar are English and Russian. Submission of papers is required before the start of the Seminar. Proceedings of the Seminar will be published as a separate book. Selected papers will be proposed for publication in the international journal Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems . The journal is indexed in the international science-based databases (SCOPUS, Web of Science/ESCI, RINC).

Site of the Seminar