The Belarusian nuclear power plant project is a project to construct a nuclear power plant in Belarus. The project foresees construction of two nuclear reactors between 2016 and 2020, and probably two more reactors by 2025. The reactors would be supplied by Atomstroyexport and the plant would be located in the Astravets district, Hrodna region. More
Belarus NPP construction in progress MINSK, 4 October (BelTA) – A session of the seventh operations center to build the Belarusian nuclear power plant has been held, BelTA learned from the Public Relations and Information Policy Office of the Russian company OAO Nizhny Novgorod Engineering Company Atomenergoproject. More Belarus central state budget to invest Br257bn in nuclear station in 2012 MINSK, 29 August (BelTA) – As much as Br257 billion from the central state budget will be invested in the construction of the Belarusian nuclear power plant in 2012, Deputy Energy Minister of Belarus Mikhail Mikhadyuk said at the online conference hosted by the BelTA website on 29 August. More |
Nuclear energy is another non-renewable source that has gained popularity in the last few years. With the depleting resources and high energy demand the world is looking towards the nuclear energy as its source that is created from the nucleus of an atom. Nuclear energy, as the term says, is released from the very nucleus of an atom. This happens as a result of its mass being converted to energy. Even though nuclear power is safer than burning electricity for fossil fuels, it is still a hazard to our health and the environment. More
Belarusian NPP will allow Belarus to resolve a number of strategic objectives: – provide additional safeguards to strengthen national independence and economic independence of Belarus; – reduce the use of natural gas as an energy source. More
Head of main department of perspective development and investments of Energy Ministry of Belarus Vladimir Bobrov does not exclude that contract construction organizations from Ukraine, Russia or Lithuania will be involved in building of Nuclear power station. More