Series: Nuclear Power
- Nuclear power plant simulators of NPP training centers (In Russian)
- International legal regulation of liability for nuclear damage (In Russian)
- Safety stock of equipment for nuclear power plants (In Russian)
- Work for the NPP nuclear fuel (In Russian)
- Tightness of the light-water reactors fuel cell (In Russian)
- Usage of the concept of “burnup credit” in SNF management (In Russian)
- Enter NPP units UP(In Russian)
- Storage of spent nuclear fuel at nuclear power plants (In Russian)
- Concept of radioactive equivalents and nature similarity by handling of radioactive waste (In Russian)
- Generation IV innovative nuclear energy systems (In Russian)
- International efforts to develop innovative nuclear energy systems and fuel cycles (In Russian)
- Usage of mixed oxide fuel in light water reactors(In Russian)/a>
- Improvement of fuel treatment for VVER reactors (In Russian)
- Fuel assemblies of VVER (In Russian)
- Fukushima NPP(In Russian)
- Plans for development of peaceful nuclear energy (In Russian)
- The main characteristics of earthquakes (In Russian)
- Radioactive waste from the decommissioning of nuclear power units(In Russian)
- Radioactive waste from nuclear power plants(In Russian)
- International obligations of the Republic of Belarus for the spent nuclear fuel management (In Russian)
- Spent Fuel from nuclear power plants (In Russian)
- Practices of Scientific Support for the development of nuclear energy (In Russian)
- On the international scale of nuclear and radiological events(In Russian)
- Nuclear energy and the Kyoto Protocol (In Russian)
- Unified state system for management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste in Russia (In Russian)
- People and radiation (In Russian)