Industry laboratory of radiation technologies;

Head of the laboratory – Povolansky Erik Ivanovich
tel. +375 (17) 356 98 65; +375 (17) 302 83 92,
The industry laboratory of radiation technologies was established in 2023.
The main areas of work of the industry laboratory:
1. Physics of interaction of radiation with matter:
— fundamental and applied research related to the physics of interaction of radiation with matter, chemistry of organic and inorganic compounds, radiation modification of high-molecular compounds.
- Radiation technologies:
— development of technologies for radiation sterilization of disposable medical devices;
— development of technologies for radiation processing of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food raw materials in order to reduce their microbial contamination;
— development of technologies for modification of polymeric materials and products;
— development of technologies for radiation sterilization of containers and packaging;
— development of technologies for radiation sterilization of drugs;
— irradiation of equipment and materials for the purpose of testing for radiation resistance and radiation resource;
— development of technologies for irradiation of biological materials;
— development of process regulations and validation of radiation processing processes.
- Operation of powerful isotope and electron-physical radiation installations.
- Development and implementation of devices, means and methods:
— measurement of electron beam parameters;
— control of radiation-technological processes;
— technological dosimetry;
— equipment for studying the friction of a solid surface against model soils of various compositions and humidity, various densities, under various normal loads and with relative velocities close to real ones in agricultural production;
— both import-substituting and original devices and devices for studying the properties of epoxy composite coatings applied to a metal substrate have been created.
- Organization of laboratory and pilot-industrial production of products and materials using radiation technologies.
- Conducting exploratory research in promising areas in the above areas.
Based on the results of the implementation of the R&D work of the state scientific research program for 2021-2025, the laboratory staff will manufacture equipment for studying the process of friction and wear of samples when rubbing against the ground and conduct friction tests against the ground of samples with polymer coatings on a metal substrate. The planned results will be used in the further development of new polymer coatings on a metal substrate, as well as to create a reference database of the coefficient of friction and wear against soils of different composition and humidity of samples from various structural materials with different functionalпокрытиями.
Scientific achievements:
- The technology for producing the composite antifriction material “Grapol” has been developed;
- The technology for producing protective wear- and corrosion-resistant coatings from pyrolytic chromium carbide has been developed.
- Contractual activity is underway with a number of Belarusian enterprises on the use of radiation technologies in medicine, industry, and agriculture. Among them are RUE “Belmedpreparaty”, State Institution “Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology, and Hematology”, LLC “NPC BelAgroGen”, LLC “Biomika”, CJSC “VITEX”, ChUP “Center for Reproductive Medicine”, State Institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center for Transfusiology and Medical Biotechnology”, OJSC “Minsk Tractor Plant”, RUE “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Food”, CJSC “Agrokombinat “Kolos” and many others.
Main publications:
- Makarevich G.V., Salnikova I.A., Saskovets V.V. Specifics of equipment for pyrolytic chromium plating. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Materials, Equipment and Resource-Saving Technologies”, 2023.
- E.K. Fomina, E.V. Grinyuk, A.A. Fedorenko, I.A. Salnikova et al. Obtaining hybrid absorbents by grafting acrylamide to chitosan chains under the influence of gamma radiation. Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Gray Chemical Sciences, 2023.
- Makarevich G.V., Salnikova I.A., Saskovets V.V., Povolansky E.I. Stand for studying friction on the ground. Friction and Wear, 2024.
- Makarevich G.V., Salnikova I.A., Saskovets V.V. Experimental Equipment for Studying Radiation-Cured Polymers. X International Conference “Nuclear Power Engineering, Nuclear and Radiation Technologies of the 21st Century”, 2024.
- Salnikova I.A., Makarevich G.V., Saskovets V.V., Povolansky E.I., Fateev V.S. Thermo-radiation Method for Modifying Polymer Composites and Sterilizing Medical Products. X International Conference “Nuclear Power Engineering, Nuclear and Radiation Technologies of the 21st Century”, 2024.
- Urbanovich O.V., Povalansky E.I., Fateev V.S. et al. Effect of Ionizing Radiation Dose Rate on Radiation-Induced Fragmentation of 1,2-Propanediol in Deaerated Aqueous Solutions. X International Conference “Nuclear Energy, Nuclear and Radiation Technologies of the XXI Century”, 2024.
- A. P. Platonova, E. I. Povalansky, V. S. Fateev, et al. The influence of gamma radiation on the initial stages of ontogenesis of common buckwheat. Sakharov Readings 2024: Environmental Problems of the XXI Int. scientific conf.

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